
La Semaine des Langues – Classes de 3A et 3B – Présenter une Biographie d’un Personnage Exceptionnel dans l’Histoire Anglophone

Par : Allison Traumat - Publié le 06/04/2016
Présenter une Biographie d’un Personnage Exceptionnel dans l’Histoire Anglophone La Semaine des Langues Les élèves de 3A et 3B ont participé à la semaine des langues en présentant les personnages exceptionnels dans l’histoire anglophone.  Les élèves etaient déguisés en personnage et sont passés dans les classes pour faire leurs exposés de façon théâtrale devant les…

Présenter une Biographie d'un Personnage Exceptionnel dans l'Histoire Anglophone

La Semaine des Langues

Les élèves de 3A et 3B ont participé à la semaine des langues en présentant les personnages exceptionnels dans l'histoire anglophone.  Les élèves etaient déguisés en personnage et sont passés dans les classes pour faire leurs exposés de façon théâtrale devant les élèves du collége et du lycée. Je tiens à leur dire BRAVO pour un travail magnifique et bien réussi. - Mme TRAUMAT, professeur d'anglais Classe de 3A [gallery ids="100089,100090,100091,100092,100093,100094,100096,100097,100098,100099,100100,100101,100102,100103,100104,100105,100106,100107,100108"] Article écrit par Kenza Bensouda en anglais- classe de 3B Project description:  This project is based on a famous person in American or British history, we spoke in the first person while giving the true biography of this character. We used the past tense to portray life events, accomplishments and family history. We began to prepare it before the language week for the first presentation that was done before class and was graded. The second presentation was done during the famous language week that we enjoyed , all of us without exception. We really took this project to heart. Conclusion: We created this project happily for these two days. [gallery ids="100160,100159,100158,100156,100155,100154,100153,100152,100151,100150,100149,100148,100147,100146,100145,100144,100143,100142,100141,100140"]   Here are a few quotes of the characters chosen by the students in 3B: Ilyas Boukaidi presented Michael Jackson’s character. His quote is : “Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul , and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.” Adam Mounib presented Alexander Hamilton’s character. His quote is: “Those who stand for nothing ,fall for nothing.” Taoufiq Bennani presented Walt Disney’s character. His quote is : “I never called my work art it’s part of show business ,my business of building entertainment.” Chiraz Ben Amor presented Audrey Hepburn’s character . Her quote is:” People , even more than things, have to be restored,renewed,revived,reclaimed, and redeemed, never throw out anyone.” Rhita Weik presented Pocohantas’s character. Her quote is:”You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you…” Hafssa Nadim presented Ameila Earhart's character. Her quote is : “Women, like men , should try to do the impossible, and when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.” Rania Fatouaki presented Princess’s Diana character.

Her quote is: “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you . “

Monia Bourquia presented Oprah Winfrey’s character.

Her quote is :“ It doesn’t matter who you are , where you came from . The ability to triumph begin with you .”

Karim Aguessim presented Micheal Jordan’s character. His quote is : “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.” Thanks : I express my sincere thanks for the kindness and hospitality shown by Mrs. Traumat, our English teacher . A thousand thanks for the careful preparation and hard work that you did for us. We want these kinds of projects to be continued in the future. Your reflections and comments allow us to move forward and open our minds to the English speaking cultures.  
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  • Par Christian CLAVERIE le 07/04/2016

    La semaine des langues met les talents de nos élèves en avant … Félicitations !